Dave Young – The Laugh Hard Tour

DAVE YOUNG Laugh Hard !

“Regarded as one of the funniest comedians of his generation, Dave Young has been described as hilarious and thrilling to watch. His sell out shows are a huge hit containing a blend of storytelling, parodies, characters and sound effects that bring his own personal experiences to life. The secret to his success is in his very positive and humorous outlook on life. As he says himself “Laughter is the best medicine… unless you’re laughing for no reason… then you just might need medicine”.

Dave’s numerous television appearances and credits include: The Late Late Show, The Saturday Night Show, The Miriam Show,Celebrity ICA Boot camp, The Voice of Ireland and more. He is currently on tour with his all new show “Laugh Hard”. Which takes you on a wild journey of dis-organised mayhem?  Catch Dave at his funniest and always controversial best.

WARNING, YOU MAY DIE LAUGHING…but what a way to go!!!

Tickets available from the Ticket Office 041-9807416 or www.tickets.ie

Price: €15

Showtime: 8:00pm